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SongPro Affiliate Scheme
Recommend SongPro on your website and get paid for every sale!
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Worship software SongPro affiliates

Earn money for your Church, School, Charity, Organisation or yourself by simply placing a small snippet of code onto your Website recommending SongPro, it's really that simple! Any purchases made through your recommendation are tracked then commission is paid to you.

It doesn't cost anything, you can register in seconds and start earning straight away. We are offering a generous 10% commission of the total purchase price per Church signing up for SongPro.

You don't have to handle any stock, we take care of everything, and the payments are made on a secure server protected by SSL with the highest encryption key level commercially available.

Why not join now? there's nothing to lose. There are two steps,
Step 1: Just simply fill in the form below.
Step 2: Copy the code provided on the next page, paste it into the body section of your Website.

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